Today I went to the library and stalked the reference desk for a while. I had to observe a reference interview so it was easy to just park myself at a table with my laptop and eavesdrop. There are plenty of people who go to those reference librarians asking all sorts of questions: Questions about school projects, new books, old books, how to look for ebook and if they could help with the computers. I think I'd like working at the reference desk. I certainly know enough about helping people out from teaching and I have a fairly decent knowledge of literature and researching. I think it's the right job for me. Now all I need is the degree and the library to higher me.
I just finished watching "The Runaways." It was an okay movie. I guess I would be more impressed if I liked Kristen Stewart, was interested in 1970s drug-induced bands or knew any other songs besides "I Love Rock n' Roll." Still, it wasn't that bad and Dakota Fanning did a good job. Kristen Stewart is just boring as all get-out to me but that made her totally fit the part of Joan Jett's character; hunched shoulders, mumbling voice, lack of real pizazz in her actions. Maybe Joan Jett is more fun at a party but as far as that movie made it seem, she was snooze central. Anyone else watch it? What did you think?