First of all, let me say that I cannot express how happy I am to be feeling better. The sickness started right after Thanksgiving where Steve and I sat on a couch for days just trying to get over our cold. Then he had a relapse while I stayed the same. Then we both felt better, thought everything was fine, then I got the sinus infection. Hooray for me! After fighting the alien pods that were living in my head for a week, Steve took me to the walk-in clinic down the street for some doctor drugs. Antibiotics are my friends.
I must say that I’m impressed with how easily medical care for minor issues works around here. There were no massive amounts of forms, no long waits, no payment up front and proof of insurance. I was seen, I was given medicine, we paid £7.50, we left. I was only out of the house for an hour and 45 minutes and that included the walk to the clinic and back. If America can get a handle on something that makes this kind of treatment easier, I’m all for it. (Of course I don’t know how it works for more serious illnesses and hopefully never will, but for the normal doctor visits, this is awesome.)
So since I had the sickness I haven’t been reading or writing as much as I’d like to. My time has been on the couch or in bed. I’m glad to know that my eye fatigue was more than likely just down to my sinuses being crappy. I finished Shiver so that will have to go on my book blog soon. I’ve started Breaking Dawn but I doubt I’ll get through it by January.
Now that I’m starting to feel more human, I’m happy to be sitting at the computer in my warm study, looking out over the chilly Wednesday morning from my window. There has been no snow yet but it’s been quite cold with the North East winds. Luckily I have my big, white L.L. Bean coat and my new found collection of hats and scarves to keep me warm.
It’s not long now until Santa comes over to leave our presents. It’s my first British Christmas and I’m getting more and more excited. The picture above is of the Catholic Cathedral Church of St. Mary’s in Newcastle and the statue is of Cardinal Hume. We went there during our walk around the city last Saturday after our visit to the Christmas Market. We saw Santa with his reindeer, drank hot toddies, and walked through town to see the ice skaters at the Life Centre. (That picture is blurry because I had to stand on my toes to my camera lens past the tall barricade.)
We also went to see Saltwell Park lit up for Enchanted Parks last Sunday. That was very neat, especially to see the kids enjoying themselves. I must say, there are so many things for children around here that really makes the place even more awesome.
Anyway, we have next weekend for the Beamish Museum and Durham Cathedral then it will be getting prepared for Christmas at home. We’ll send the last cards out this week and then we’ll be all set to enjoy Steve’s ten days at home. The Pringles and Doctor Who special await!