It's my last weekend in Florida for a while. I cleaned up some but I've lounged more than anything. There's the kitchen garbage to be thrown out and a few boxes for donating to the charity shop. My box of handbags is the main donation.
Jake will visit the vet one last time on Monday to get his tick and tapeworm vaccine before we head across the pond Wednesday night. I have my new, (additional) big suitcase so I can manage things easier than having a bunch of small bags to cart through London.
There won't be a lot of touristy-ness going on next week. While I'd love to
see London, with two 28" suitcases, a garnet bag, a carry-on, a cat and an 8 & 1/2 hour flight just completed, I think my sight seeing trip will have to be done one weekend in the near future.
These next four days will be just getting everything I absolutely need done, done. Cancel the utilities for February, pack, store, toss. I have to back up the computer with my new, fancy 1T external hard drive too.