I'm lying in bed with the cat eating Chex Mix (yes, he thinks he should have some) at 2, I mean 1AM. I read more of my book tonight so I'll be ready to write the review on Thursday. The book was fine until it started talking about math and physics and zzz. I'm still slightly freaking out about this Visa paperwork. Apparently the office was closed yesterday so they left a notice that the office can either request to have the envelope resent or picked up. I took the liberty of requesting it to be resent myself. I don't want to risk it getting sent back. That stuff had to be there within two weeks of the fingerprints. I just want this stuff at their office, so I can relax a bit. Just tired of this whole process. Once the application is approved and everything is sent back to me, then I can really relax. Well, no, I will have the pet passport to deal with after that. Maybe I'll just relax once I get home with Steve.
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